The line comes from an Australian duo who created the pieces after their search for modern baby furniture left them empty handed. Currently only available in Australia, we can only hope they make their way into stores in North America soon!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Well, it must be baby week! In the past 2 days I've found out that 2 of my friends are expecting (so exciting!!) So in continuing with yesterdays cutest diaper ever post, today I would like to share what could possible be the coolest new nursery furniture. Have a look!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
'g' Aren't These Cute
My two kids are well out of diapers but I have some friends who are still very much in the thick of it! When Liv was a baby, I desperately wanted to put her in gdiapers (a completely earth-friendly hybrid diaper out of Australia) but they were not available anywhere in Canada at the time. The thought of driving to the states was a bit too daunting so I continued on with disposables and felt bad the whole time.
I may have changed my tune if these little numbers had been available! Can you stand how cute these are? Every baby bum deserves a green, environmentally friendly, completely adorable daiper such as these.
I may have changed my tune if these little numbers had been available! Can you stand how cute these are? Every baby bum deserves a green, environmentally friendly, completely adorable daiper such as these.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Felt Floor Cushions
I came across these fun and fabulous floor cushions yesterday via The Purl Bee. I love these for a playroom or even a modified version made from outdoor fabric for a backyard oasis!
There are instructions here if you're up for trying these out!
There are instructions here if you're up for trying these out!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Fletcher-Rae Interiors + Design
Hello, hello! Fletcher-Rae Interiors + Design is the name of my company and I'm so excited to give you a sneak peak at some of my interiors that I've had photographed recently. Two very different locations and two very different clients. The first 3 shots are from an avid art collector's house who wanted to showcase her collection and have a more streamlined decor throughout the living area. With a fresh colour palette, new lighting, custom cabinetry and comfy yet modern furnishings we certainly got exactly what she was aiming for!
photos by Andrew Grinton Photography
The above photo is from my former business partner's converted garage. Streaming light from the hinged garage door. Glassy, polished concrete floors (love), the most stunning table from E15 and a shot of colour, care of the Moooi chairs. An industrial space done right!
I'm in the beginning phases of planning my interior website and capturing my various client's homes is step one! I'd love to hear your thoughts on your favourite, most user-friendly design sites. Are there elements that you love or that you feel have been done to death? What are you looking to see when you visit these sites? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
A Fresh Start
I wanted to give you guys a quick peak into one of the projects that I've been working on. I'm sure you've heard me mention working on a teen's room. Well here is the before...
and here is where we are now!
The millworkers installed the units (including a built-in bed, window seat and fantastic desk/wall unit!) and now it's time for the fun to start! We'll be spending the next little while re-organizing everything and getting some fun new textiles and storage items. I'll be sure to keep you up to date on our progress...
I love that my client at 13 years old embraced such a bold print and hasn't looked back. What do you think so far? Would you do this for your room or let your teenager take the reins on a bedroom project?
Monday, June 21, 2010
Weekend Snippets
Another beautiful weekend has come and gone! I hope you enjoyed yourselves wherever you were and whomever you were with. I've been enjoying time with my family and friends and trying to spend as much time as I can outside. This weather is just perfect! Warm, sunny days that melt into perfect evenings for sitting out and (if you're lucky) catching a glimspe of the fireflies...
Friday, June 18, 2010
Morning Inspiration-Watercolours
Inspired by the gorgeous sunrise (that I got to witness care of a small girl!) this morning, some beautiful watercolours to start your day.
via Anica Boutique
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 161 - "Art is the reason I get up in the morning, but the definition ends there. It doesn't seem fair that I'm living for something I can't even define.", originally uploaded by the cheshire smile.
Where I spent my day nursing this horrendous flu I caught from Liv. I'm finally feeling a bit more like myself but am honeslty looking forward to crawling back under the covers. Until tomorrow...
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Around The House
What an amazing morning it is here. The sun is shining and there is the most perfect breeze blowing in through the kitchen window. Today I wanted to share with you a few of my favourite spots around the house. The first spot is at the top of the 2nd floor landing. This whole floor is dedicated to the kids; their rooms, their toys, their playroom....
and their art. I have chosen to display these fantastic canvases that the kids have done over the years above this simple Ikea cabinet that houses DVD's + Blurays. The lamp has moved with me from house to house and was made by my grandfather from an old bottle of Vat 69 whiskey.
This is one of the bookshelves in Olivia's room. She is an avid collector of nearly everything and although at times it drives me round the bend, I love how passionate she is for all things small.

This butterfly mobile is a new addition to the house. My mum recently returned from a 2 week cruise through the Panama Canal and she brought this back for Olivia. I love the simple design of the butterflies and the easy neutral tones of the shell. This is something I'm sure Olivia will cherish her whole life and a piece that she can always display no matter her age or her living arrangements...
Monday, June 14, 2010
How's your Monday? Are you already in need of something to lighten your day? Maybe I can help....
This is how I found the cat (he's just sleeping!) on Saturday morning just after the kids had woken up. I had such a hard time taking these photos because I was laughing so hard. I am convinced that Smith thinks he is human. Maybe this is what happens when you assume the role as cat-mother from such an early time in their lives!
Weekend Snippets
Fun fairs, face painting and a quick 24 hour flu is how we spent our weekend. I've spared you photos of the flu portion but the rest of the highlights are great! We've been going to Max's school fun fair for 5 years and his goal is always to win a cake at the Cake Walk game. I am thrilled to tell you that after years of disappointment and going home empty handed he finally won the coveted cake prize.
We had a great weekend despite Liv coming down with the flu and made the most of our time together. We rested and watched movies and waited for her sickness to pass...we all feel better now!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Things that make me smile
Sheer determination.....
and the fact that you can still smile and be proud of yourself and your team even when you don't win!
Well done Max!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Cone Returns
Did I mention that I've had to put the cone back on Smith? He did a bit too much licking and has a sore now. Neither of us are happy about it but until it is fully healed, this is how he's going to look for a bit!
How My Garden Grows
So, as I mentioned last night, I did a bit of experimenting yesterday with the new camera outside. I didn't have a very large window of opportunity because the majority of the day was a sopping wet mess but what I was able to get I am really happy with.
The garden itself is quite small and as I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I stay away from any delicate flowers because of all the sports action that the backyard gets. I've planted some fresh herbs, two strawberry plants as well as a tomato + cucumber plant. So far everything is doing really well with very little tending to.
The garden itself is quite small and as I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I stay away from any delicate flowers because of all the sports action that the backyard gets. I've planted some fresh herbs, two strawberry plants as well as a tomato + cucumber plant. So far everything is doing really well with very little tending to.
This magnificent rose bush was here when we bought the house and so it has stayed and is doing brilliantly! It is covered with so many blossoms right now all the most vivid shade of pink. It's such a refreshing pop of colour in a mostly green backyard.

All of these photos were taken with the new camera and I have left them completely un-retouched or enhanced, cropped etc. This is what I got from my first real foray out and about with the Canon...I am inspired!

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